Achat5 offer a post AOI verification station to closely examine and categorise defects identified by the AOI system. The system is networkable and allows a single operator to manage the outputs from a remote location monitoring multiple AOI systems.
+353 45 889529
Achat5 offer a post AOI verification station to closely examine and categorise defects identified by the AOI system. The system is networkable and allows a single operator to manage the outputs from a remote location monitoring multiple AOI systems.
The Vincam utilises a digital microscope on an XY axis allowing it to drive to the exact location of the defect. The microscope is tilted at an angle and rotates through 8 different positions allowing the operator a clear picture from various angles and position to determine if the defect is real or false.
Throughout the process there is no human interaction with the boards, the information is captured digitally and displayed in magnified HD on monitor. Decisions are quick and accurate and pass fail commands can be executed at a touch of a button.
The Vincam system maximises line throughput with no physical human contact with the board at any time, ideal for the demanding QC requirements of the Automotive, Aerospace and Medical sectors.